How Do We Have a "Growth Mindset"?

Hello everyone,

In my previous article, I told you about the concepts of growth and fixed mindset. Now I want to tell you about "how do we have a growth mindset".

The first step out from the fixed mindset is believing that you can step out of it and that a growth mindset is possible to achieve.

1. Turn Challenges into Opportunities!

One of the biggest obstacles to the growth mindset is the fear of failure. People often don't want to take risks and push themselves in order not to fail. However, each failure is a step forward on the road that leads you to success.

2. Make Peace With Yourself!

You can have strengths as well as weaknesses. Realizing and accepting all of them first will be very useful in the development journey.

3. Pay attention to your words!

There is a sentence I like very much that word is magic. Every word that comes out of our mouth really reflects our thoughts, or at some point what we say becomes our truth. That's why someone who talks about failing constantly has less opportunity for improvement than someone who focuses on success. If you say that you have failed every time you don’t achieve success, it’s much more likely that you’ll build a debilitating self-image. On the other hand, if you try replacing the word failure with the word learning, and say that you’ve learned something every time you don’t succeed, you’ll much more likely build a positive picture of yourself. That, of course, should be followed by analyzing why you didn’t succeed and trying one more time, using different methods.

4. Know Your Brain!

Learning the functioning of the human brain brings seminal changes in many aspects. It means that our brains are able to change and adapt, as a result of experience. For example, the brain can change its physical structure, as a result of learning processes or move functions from one area to another in case of damage.

5. Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome!

As with many issues, we are only concerned about whether we will succeed or fail in the end, while we are missing out on reflecting our current potential in the best way possible. That's why it's always important to enjoy the journey and do the best we can.

6. Progress Is More Important Than Speed!

Allowing yourself to make a mistake takes time. Learning things well takes time. Getting things done properly takes time. So keep calm and take your time. You're racing only with yourself.

7. Working Working Working!

Albert Einstein said; If 1% of what makes a human being a genius is an innate talent, 99% is work. Isn't it very clear?

8. Be Open to Criticism!

No matter what other people think of you does not stop you from taking risks or worry you, but remember that what you hear from them can also take you forward on your journey of development.


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